Representation of Blacks:Gods and Generals(2003)
23/04/2012 10:00
This movie is a very powerful representation of the major events,battles and figures of the Civil War.I have to admit that the acting of all of the actors was extremely striking and miraculous.The film centers mostly on the personal and professional life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, the God-fearing and militarily brilliant yet acutely eccentric Confederate general who gets shot by his own man while on a night ride in May 1863 while commanding at the Battle of Chancellorsville.The film prominently features the Battles of 1st Bull Run (1st Manassas), Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville.The extremely detailed description of characters,battles and important events what makes this movie a masterpiece after Gettysburg.This is possible only because of the lenght of the film for it is more than three-and-a-half hour long.
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson(Stephen Lang) and Robert.E.Lee(Robert Duvall)
I would not go into more details about the movie since those who are interested may either watch the movie itself -for i think it is worth doing so -or check a plot summary on the internet -there are many available sources and critical reviews given its importance and reception of the general public.Our focus point here is the representation blacks.There are two very essential mistakes in the plot from the point of view of historical correctness as well as racial relations.On the one hand,we can see blacks participating and serving in the Confederate Army and seem quiet enthusiastic about it.This might be the case because they want to fight either for their masters or their own homestead.This is where the other problem stems from for we can see a close relationship between African-Americans and their masters which I think is quiet controversial.The two main black characters do NOT hate white people. What could possibly be more offensive? Maybe the scene in which Jackson prays with his black cook.
The cast is just great,especially Robert.E.Lee with whom we grow very symphatetic as a consequence of his father-like appearance and calmness.He projects the image of an avarage American who wants to avoid battle against his own people-which he expresses at the starting scene where he refuses to take command of the Union Forces against his own in Virginia.He seem to be connected to the North -memories,love,etc...-which gives him an advantage in initial phases.Basically, a very good and exciting movie with its battle scenes,it is quiet accurate and detailed in its description of places,people and events.I recommend it to everyone for it is one of the most amazing films I have ever encountered in my life- although be aware of its extremely religious content. If you are open to the possibility that the Confederacy was not entirely evil, then you should see "Gods and Generals."
1. Plot Overview
2. Deeper insight into Critics' reception